Thursday, March 16, 2017

The watermelon mountain

  • Amazing things pic story - choose a picture from the file sent to you in your writing folder.Make a new writing document and title it.
  • Your story should have a hook in sentence, a beginning middle and end, descriptive words, long and short sentences and capital letters and full stops.
  • Your story could have paragraphs, speech and speech marks, alliteration, onomatopoeia and similes  .
  • Edit and check your story on your own , with a buddy and have it checked by a teacher before you blog.
  • Amazing things pic story - choose a picture from the file sent to you in your writing folder.Make a new writing document and title it.

   Once upon a time there lived a little boy and his dad they loved to travel and climb big mountains. One time they went to this strange place. They saw a sign and by accident when  dad turned around for a second dad's bag hit the sign and the sign turned around and  they took the wrong path.    
  Then they saw a whole lot of mountains that were made out of watermelons!   They were shocked and really excited at the same time because they love climbing mountains and they felt shocked because nobody has ever seen a mountain made out of watermelons or has never climbed a watermelon mountain. It was one crazy thing.                           
   Then they had both thought that if they climbed the mountain. They will be the first ones to climb it but they hadn't notice  that since they would want to climb it they would need safety gear  because it would be really slippery.
  Then they tried climbing it then when the dad and the little boy stepped up a little they both fell off! but luckily someone with a huge trailer and a big lot of blankets quickly ran and caught them. Then they found out that they were not the first to      climb the watermelon mountain. The man who saved them was the real first ones to climb the mountain. And the man who saved us well his name was Jackson and the little boy and the dad asked if they could stay with Jackson for the week. Jackson said “ of course you can!
     Then after that they had the best time and they learned to climb the watermelon  mountain and they loved to wake up early and climb the mountain and they loved staying at Jacksons . They had the best time.
  Then they had the best surprise ever and that was that Jackson let the dad and the little boy loved staying there they got to live there then after that they were as happy as a baby elephant.

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